Cybersecurity Compliance 2024: Navigating the New Norms

Regulatory frameworks are continuously updated to address the sophistication and frequency of cyber threats, requiring businesses to adapt swiftly to ensure compliance and safeguard their interests. The following highlights recent significant cybersecurity compliance and reporting updates, incorporating a range of legislative actions and regulatory proposals.

SEC’s Enhanced Cybersecurity Disclosure Rules

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has implemented new rules requiring public companies to disclose cybersecurity incidents promptly. These regulations aim to balance the need for public awareness against the risk of providing attackers with potentially exploitable information. The SEC’s approach reflects a nuanced consideration of the benefits and drawbacks of immediate disclosure, mandating registrants to report material cybersecurity incidents within four days. This initiative underscores the SEC’s commitment to transparency while acknowledging the complexities inherent in incident reporting.

Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act

Under the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022, entities must report significant cyber incidents to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within 72 hours. This legislation aims to diminish the information advantage cyber attackers often exploit by fostering a coordinated and rapid response framework. Although the act is several years old, it should still be on every infrastructure-related business’s radar for the quick turnaround required for reporting. The act delineates the types of incidents that warrant reporting, the entities obliged to report, and the specific timeframe for doing so, marking a significant step toward strengthening the nation’s cybersecurity posture.

NYDFS Part 500 Cybersecurity Regulation Updates

The New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) has updated its Part 500 Cybersecurity Regulation, imposing more rigorous requirements than the NIST standards for incident reporting and cyber defense. These updates mandate a greater involvement from senior executives in ensuring cybersecurity compliance, reflecting the critical role leadership plays in an organization’s cyber resilience. This regulation, primarily affecting the financial sector, could set a precedent for broader industry standards, emphasizing the importance of a proactive and accountable approach to cybersecurity.

FTC Safeguards Rule

The FTC Safeguards Rule has been updated to enforce stricter data protection measures among financial institutions, reflecting the escalating complexity of cyber threats. These updates require rigorous risk assessments, stringent access controls, mandatory encryption of sensitive data, and the implementation of a detailed incident response plan. With an expanded scope that includes a wider range of financial entities and increased accountability through the requirement of a designated qualified individual to oversee information security, the rule underscores a proactive shift in consumer data protection.

Components for Compliance

Compliance with these and any other regulatory updates is essential to avoid fines and other significant issues that can harm a business. The good news is that this doesn’t need to be complicated or costly, and there are services available to quickly and easily improve organizational posture concerning federal and state regulations. Adequate assistance and guidance are essential to navigate this complex environment, and businesses must remain vigilant, informed, and proactive in enhancing their cybersecurity and data protection protocols.


LibertyID Business Solutions provides customer WISP protocols, advanced information security employee training, third-party vendor management tools, and post-breach regulatory response and notification services.  This allows businesses to improve the safeguards surrounding their consumers’ private data and head toward a compliant posture in relation to the federal FTC and often overlooked state regulations. Along with the components mentioned, LibertyID Business Solutions includes our gold-standard identity fraud restoration management services for employees and their families.